Pilkington Profilit™ U-shaped glass conforming to EN 572 Part 7, crafted via a machine-rolled method. It stands out due to its transparency, available both with and without a patterned exterior surface.

Its robust construction ensures durability, allowing natural light to illuminate interior spaces while maintaining a clear exterior appearance. For installation, the U-shaped design accommodates both vertical and horizontal orientations, offering versatile design choices.

Available in a spectrum of colors and textures, Pilkington Profilit™ balances natural light intake with different levels of transparency, ensuring privacy.
Notably energy-efficient, this glass boasts superior sound insulation and stands out as a cost-effective option among glass wall systems.

For enhanced performance, Pilkington Profilit™ can come in single or double-glazing options. The enhanced triple glazing variant, "Pilkington Profilit™ 2 and 2 plus one", incorporates the new low-e plus coating. This results in improved thermal properties, shifting the Ug values from 1.2 W/m²K to a commendable 0.61 W/m²K, alongside g values of up to 0.2 and an impressive sound insulation rate of R wki 57 dB.


• Suitable for tempering
• Promotes optimal light diffusion
• Facilitates construction of expansive wall dimensions
• Accommodates curved wall design
• Designed for efficient maintenance and hassle-free replacement
• Compatible with both single and dual-wall installations
• Offered in a diverse color palette

Processing Capabilities

• Glass cutting


Optimal for both interior and exterior applications spanning industrial, commercial, and residential structures.